Sales Tax States

Sales Tax Calculator of Illinois for 2015

How 2015 Sales Tax are calculated in Illinois

The state general sales tax rate of Illinois is 6.3%. In addition to the state-level sales tax, cities and municipalities in Illinois have the authority to levy their own sales tax rates. These local rates can add up to 3%, resulting in a combined maximum sales tax rate of 10% in certain regions.

Every 2015 combined rates mentioned above are the results of Illinois state rate (6.3%), the county rate (0% to 2%), the Illinois cities rate (0% to 3%), and in some case, special rate (0% to 1.75%).

Overview of Illinois Sales Tax

The sales tax in Illinois is a significant source of revenue for the state, applied to the retail sale of tangible personal property and certain services. Illinois also imposes a use tax to complement the sales tax, ensuring equitable taxation for goods purchased or used within the state.

Applicable Taxes in Illinois

  1. Sales Tax: Levied on the sale of tangible personal property and designated services within the state.
  2. Use Tax: Applies to goods purchased outside Illinois but used, stored, or consumed within the state.
  3. Local Sales Taxes: Counties, municipalities, and certain districts in Illinois can impose additional local sales taxes.

History of Sales Tax in Illinois

Illinois was one of the first states to adopt a general sales tax, introducing it in 1933 during the Great Depression to stabilize the economy and generate revenue. Over the years, the tax structure has evolved to include exemptions for essential goods and services and changes to reflect shifting economic activities.

Taxability and Exemption List

Below is a simplified view of taxable and exempt items in Illinois:

Taxable ItemsExempt Items
Tangible personal property (e.g., electronics)Prescription medications
General merchandise and some digital goodsGroceries and unprepared food
Restaurant meals and prepared foodMedical devices (when prescribed)
Alcohol, tobacco productsFarm machinery and equipment
Select labor services (e.g., repair labor)Newspapers and periodicals

Historical Sales Tax Rate Changes in Illinois

YearEvent/ChangeState RateDetails
1933Sales Tax Introduced2.0%First statewide sales tax to stabilize the economy.
1955Use Tax Introduced2.0%Ensured taxation of out-of-state purchases.
1961Rate Increased3.0%Boosted revenue for infrastructure and education funding.
1969Rate Increased4.0%Addressed growing state budget needs.
1984Local Sales Taxes Introduced4.0% (state)Allowed counties and municipalities to impose additional taxes.
2003Expanded to More Services6.25%Included services such as repair labor.
2018Online Sales Tax Compliance6.25%Required remote sellers to collect and remit tax.

Top 5 FAQs About Illinois Sales Tax

  1. What items are exempt from Illinois sales tax?
    Common exemptions include groceries, prescription medications, and certain medical devices.

  2. Do I need to pay use tax on online purchases?
    Yes, use tax applies to online purchases from out-of-state retailers if the seller does not collect Illinois sales tax.

  3. Are local sales taxes added to the state rate?
    Yes, counties, municipalities, and special districts can impose additional local taxes, resulting in varying rates across Illinois.

  4. How are digital goods taxed in Illinois?
    Some digital goods, like e-books and music downloads, are subject to sales tax.

  5. Are services taxable in Illinois?
    Only specific services, such as repair labor and some rentals, are taxable. Most professional services are exempt.

For further details, residents can consult the Illinois Department of Revenue for up-to-date information on tax rates and exemptions.

Illinois state rate(s) for 2015

Lowest possible rate: 6.25% (e.g., Clare, Illinois)
Other common rates: 6.3% .6.5%, 6.6%, 6.75%, 6.85%, 7%, 7.1%, 7.25%, 7.35%, 7.5%, 7.6%, 7.75%, 7.85%, 8%, 8.1%, 8.25%, 8.35%, 8.5%, 8.75%, 8.85%, 9%, 9.25%, 9.5%, 9.75%,
Highest possible rate: 10% (River Grove, Illinois)
Average combined rate across Illinois: 7.349%

Other 2015 sales tax Facts for Illinois

City sales taxes: 159 out of 1314 cities (12.1%) in Illinois impose a city sales tax.

ZIP code impact: 402 out of 1645 ZIP codes (24.438%) in Illinois.

Illinois Regions & ZIP Codes

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Top 10 Largest Cities in Illinois
(by ZIP Code Count)

Full list of Illinois cities

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