Sales Tax States
Hawaii - Kealakekua

Reverse General Excise Tax Calculator of Kealakekua

How 2014 Sales taxes are calculated in Kealakekua, Hawaii

The general sales tax rate in Kealakekua, Hawaii is determined by a combination of state, county, and city tax rates.

General Sales Tax Rate

The state of Hawaii has a general sales tax rate of 4% which applies statewide. In Kealakekua the total sales tax rate, including county and city taxes, is consistently 4% throughout the city.

Understanding Kealakekua's Combined Sales Tax Rates in 2014

  • State Rate: 4%
  • County Rate: No county sale tax
  • City Rate: No city sale tax
  • Special Rate: No special rate.

Sales Tax by ZIP Code in Kealakekua

  • Lowest Rate: 4% in ZIP code 96750
  • Average Rate: The average combined tax rate across all ZIP codes in Kealakekua, Hawaii is approximately 4%

Factors Influencing Kealakekua's Sales Tax Rates

The applicable sales tax rate may vary depending on the type of purchase (e.g., goods, services, or special categories). Businesses and consumers are encouraged to confirm specific rates based on their transactions.

Hawaii Regions & ZIP Codes

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