Reverse Sales Tax Calculator of Georgia for 2016
How 2016 Sales Tax are calculated in Georgia
The state general sales tax rate of Georgia is 4%. In addition to the state-level sales tax, cities and municipalities in Georgia have the authority to levy their own sales tax rates. These local rates can add up to 1%, resulting in a combined maximum sales tax rate of 8% in certain regions.
Every 2016 combined rates mentioned above are the results of Georgia state rate (4%), the county rate (2% to 4%), the Georgia cities rate (0% to 1%), and in some case, special rate (0% to 1%).
Variations by Purchase Type
Georgia's sales tax rate may vary depending on the type of purchase. Examples of taxable categories may include:
- Consumer use tax
- Rental tax
- Sales tax
- Sellers use tax
- Lodgings tax
For comprehensive details, please refer to the official Georgia government website.
Georgia state rate(s) for 2016
Lowest possible rate: 4% (e.g., Austell, Georgia)
Other common rates: 6% .7%,
Highest possible rate: 8% (Forest Park, Georgia)
Average combined rate across Georgia: 6.769%
Other 2016 sales tax Facts for Georgia
City sales taxes: 1 out of 632 cities (0.158%) in Georgia impose a city sales tax.ZIP code impact: 29 out of 1079 ZIP codes (2.688%) in Georgia.