Reverse Sales Tax Calculator of New Mexico for 2016
How 2016 Gross Receipts Tax are calculated in New Mexico
The state general gross receipts tax rate of New Mexico is 5.13%. In addition to the state-level sales tax, cities and municipalities in New Mexico have the authority to levy their own gross receipts tax rates. These local rates can add up to 7.13%, resulting in a combined maximum sales tax rate of 8.94% in certain regions.
Every 2016 combined rates mentioned above are the results of New Mexico state rate (5.13%), the county rate (0% to 2.19%), the New Mexico cities rate (0% to 7.13%), and in some case, special rate (0% to 6.56%).
New Mexico's Tax Structure: Alternatives to Sales Tax
New Mexico does not impose a sales tax; instead, it levies a gross receipts tax on individuals or businesses operating within the state. This tax is typically passed on to the consumer, either separately listed or included in the overall price of the product or service.
While the gross receipts tax functions similarly to a sales tax in its impact on the buyer, it is technically a tax on the seller for conducting business in New Mexico. The tax rate varies across the state, ranging from 5.125% to 8.8675%, depending on the business's location.
For comprehensive details, please refer to the official Tax and Revenue New Mexico.
New Mexico state rate(s) for 2016
Lowest possible rate: 5.1% (e.g., Tajique, New Mexico)
Other common rates: 5.5% .5.69%, 5.88%, 5.94%, 6%, 6.06%, 6.08%, 6.13%, 6.19%, 6.25%, 6.31%, 6.38%, 6.44%, 6.5%, 6.56%, 6.63%, 6.69%, 6.75%, 6.81%, 6.83%, 6.88%, 6.94%, 7%, 7.06%, 7.13%, 7.19%, 7.25%, 7.31%, 7.38%, 7.44%, 7.5%, 7.56%, 7.63%, 7.69%, 7.75%, 7.77%, 7.81%, 7.88%, 7.94%, 8%, 8.06%, 8.19%, 8.31%, 8.38%, 8.4%, 8.44%, 8.5%, 8.52%, 8.56%, 8.69%,
Highest possible rate: 8.94% (Santa Cruz, New Mexico)
Average combined rate across New Mexico: 6.849%
Other 2016 sales tax Facts for New Mexico
City sales taxes: 83 out of 351 cities (23.647%) in New Mexico impose a city sales tax.ZIP code impact: 144 out of 434 ZIP codes (33.18%) in New Mexico.